
My Photo
Location: Sydney, Australia

Ek woon deesdae in Sydney. Ek het my PhD by die Universiteit van Sydney klaargemaak en nou dwing ek mense om my as doktor aan te spreek. Soms hou ek myself as 'n mediese dokter voor en neem dan deel aan minder ernstige operasies soos byvoorbeeld kornea oorplantings en die uithaal van verstandtande.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Loergat in my Lewe

Aangesien hier tans 'n gesellige tema van onthulling op die blogarena aan die afspeel is - spesifiek in terme van onbekende lukrake feite oor jouself kwytraak, het ek besluit om saam te speel terwyl ek poog om terselfdertyd non-konformisties te wees, net soos Die Plek my geleer het. Hier is vyf dinge wat ek nie gedoen het nie:

1) Ek was nie hoofseun nie
2) Ek was nie 'n kringleier nie
3) Ek was nie in die kinderkrans nie
4) Ek was nie in die Voortrekkers nie
5) Ek was nie NIE aangewys as die beste drilsersant in die Weermagsarea Groep 4 (Suid-Kaap) in my standerd nege jaar nie.

Ek kan al vyf verduidelik ook. (1) Die onderwysers by my skool het my humorsin verwar met 'n gebrek aan respek vir die wat respek verdien. Veral nadat een van hulle my eendag die uitskel van my lewe gegee het nadat ek "worsie" gesê het maar hy "aborsie" gehoor het. Dit was in antwoord op die vraag wat daar was om te eet by gisteraand se debataand. (2) Ek het te veel gesondig vir 'n kringleier. (3) Ek wou eerder op my BMX ry as om kinderkrans toe te gaan - 'n mens gaan mos in elkgeval klaar Sondae sondagskool toe. (4) Apartheid gaan nie werk nie en wanneer die swartmense die land oorneem, "gaan die Voortrekkers die mense wees wat eerste doodgemaak gaan word." Aldus 'n bekommerde familielid wat met die helm gebore was. Dit was genoeg vir my ma. (5) Ek was nog altyd goed met pas hou en bevele skreeu.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Treffersparade VII

Hier is my top drie ek-kan-nou-400kg-met-een-hand-optel treffers:

1) American Idiot - Green Day
2) She sells Sanctuary - The Cult
3) I want it All - Queen

Treffersparade VI

Hier is my top drie ons-het-mekaar-gemoer-by-die-standerd-7-sokkie-om-by-die-meisies-uit-te-kom-wanneer-hierdie-liedjie-speel treffers:

1) Achy Breaky Heart - Billy Ray Cyrus
2) Under the Boardwalk - Bad Boys Blue
3) Summer of 69 - Bryan Adams

Treffersparade V

Hier is my top drie daar-sal-nooit-weer-'n-tyd-soos-die-80s-wees-nie treffers:

1) Tarzan Boy - Baltimora
2) Round my Dream - Silver Pizzoli
3) Funky Town - Pseudo Echo

Treffersparade IV

Hier is my top drie grootmens-troue-musiek-koot-maar-ons-dans-nou-lekker treffers:

1) Radio Dancing - Engelbert Humperdink
2) Thorn in my Side - Eurythmics
3) Going back West - Boney M

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Treffersparade III

Hier is 'n lys van my top drie bandjies-wat-ek-geluister-het-totdat-hulle-getrek-het bandjies (Eng. tapes):

1) Modern Talking - Best of
2) Bad Boys Blue - Queen of Hearts
3) Jive Bunny and the Mastermixers (Die rooi een)

Bryan Adams se Waking up the Neighbours het ook nogal houe gevat. En my buddy se 2 Unlimited tape.

Treffersparade II

Hier is 'n lys van my top drie treffers-wat-nie-sal-oorwaai-nie treffers:

1) On Every Street - Dire Straits
2) Twist in my Sobriety - Tanita Tikaram
3) Human Touch - Bruce Springsteen
4) Enige iets van Vaya Con Dios

Ek weet dit is drie treffers en een groep, maar ek kon nie vir Vaya Con Dios uitlaat nie.

Daar is ander afdelings ook...

Thursday, April 12, 2007


My top drie treffers-wat-sal-oorwaai treffers op die huidige stadium van my bestaan:

1) Everybody's gone to war - Nerina Pallot
2) This ain't a scene it's an arms race - Fall Out Boy
3) Keep your hands off my girl - Good Charlotte

My top treffers-wat-nie-sal-oorwaai-nie treffers is dieper as hierdie versameling.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Ons gaan almal hemel toe

Eerstens, jammer dat ek julle, my getroue lesers, so afskeep. Ek gaan nie aan verskonings probeer dink nie.

So elke dan en wan steek die gay-tema sy kop uit in die menigte lae van die blogarena. Daar word gewoonlik bespiegel of hulle (dis nou mense met 'n homoseksuele oriëntasie) in die hel gaan verkool, of gaywees 'n siekte of 'n keuse is waarvan iemand genees kan word en of dit maar net 'n afgryslike losbandigheid is. Dis ook gewoonlik net voordat daai einste priester saam met die seuntjie betrap word wat die kollektebordjies regpak.

In elkgeval, hier is onteenseglike bewyse dat gay mense wel hemel toe gaan en dat al die ander hel toe gaan omdat hulle ge-oordeel het. ('n Vriend het hierdie aan my gestuur so ek durf waag nie om die indruk te skep dat ek dit self iewers uitgespit het nie.)

Area Homosexual Saves Four From Fire

FALMOUTH, MA—Near-tragedy turned to joy Monday, as area residents Phillip and Karen Widman and their two children were saved from their burning house on Locust Street by Kevin Lassally, a homosexual man.

Falmouth resident Kevin Lassally, who likes to hold and kiss other men, is being hailed as a hero after rescuing a family of four from a deadly blaze.
The fire, believed to have started around 1 a.m. when an unextinguished candle ignited a set of drapes, threatened to consume the home and the Widman family along with it. Lassally, returning home after visiting with other homosexuals, smelled smoke and saw flames through the Widmans' living room window.

"I heard children crying, and knew I had to do something," the 34-year-old, gay computer programmer told reporters. "I used their porch railing to climb up on the roofing that underhung the children's bedroom. Then I had to kick in their window to reach them."
Once the window was broken, gusts of wind began funneling smoke out of the house and feeding oxygen into the fire. Said Lassally, "I couldn't see through the black wall of smoke, but I was able to locate the children from the sound of their crying." After the blinded, homosexual Lassally eased Meghan, 3, and Joshua, 18 months, out the window and leapt to the ground, protecting the children by absorbing the impact on his own back, he realized the children's parents had yet to be rescued.

"The oldest child began crying that her parents were still in the house," Lassally, who prefers the company of men to women, said. "So I had to go back in for them." The fearless and gay hero once again climbed onto the roof of the house and entered the second-floor window, only to discover after minutes of groping that the master bedroom was nowhere on the upstairs floor. Bolting down the stairs, he found the first floor to be a red-hot mass of flame and collapsing timbers. He nevertheless located the bedroom and carried the unconscious parents out on his shoulders.

By now a blackened, sooty, homosexual figure, Lassally set the Widmans down a safe distance from the house, just as firefighters were arriving, and collapsed on the lawn, exhausted and gay.
Lassally suffered burns covering over 70 percent of his body and sustained injuries leaving him unable to work or have anal intercourse with men for about two months. Doctors describe his condition as stable but homosexual.
As donations and toys come pouring in to the family, which lost most of its possessions, congratulatory cards and telegrams are being sent to Falmouth's new favorite gay citizen.
"This brave, homosexual man has inspired us all," Falmouth mayor Matthew Colella said. "The local hospital has announced plans to rename its burn ward "The Kevin Lassally Gay Burn Ward."

Karen Widman beamed with praise for their new hero: "He's the kind of guy you hope your kids will grow up to be like in certain ways, like courage."
Added husband Phillip: "Some-times life makes you cynical, like it's you against the world. Then out of nowhere comes a totally selfless gay person who turns your whole view around."
Lassally is modest in the face of so many tributes: "I've always believed that one [homosexual] really can make a difference."